31 October 2017


Why not send me letters? I am very sad one in Russia, write to me necessarily, it is waiting for your Lidiya. My email najuttaug2@rambler.ru


We were talking on the forum, remember me? I am Maria from Russia! My email emag4i9s@rambler.ru

30 October 2017


I am a Russian girl from Moscow - my name is Inna, and you?
Let's get acquainted - my email lucieedithep08@rambler.ru


You were so hot, let's talk again - drop me to the page - I'll wait for my very sweet!

My email elen8nnrchr@rambler.ru

Svetlana :-)


You were so hot, let's talk again - drop me to the page - I'll wait for my very sweet!

My email nikolwxpbeate@rambler.ru

Svetlana :-)

29 October 2017


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email nikol10jvgisela@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email anna7uval@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email terezaelkexnz@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!

good evening

When you stopped a taxi for me, it was very nice, do not want to see me again?

Marina. My email nikolagabubn@rambler.ru

23 October 2017

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10 October 2017


Hello my dear - I've had a web camera with good quality - write me - and I'll do what you want for you, long time not seen you in a web camera. My email annarutha73@rambler.ru

very sad

Why not send me letters? I am very sad one in Russia, write to me necessarily, it is waiting for your Stella. My email daniela7ag@rambler.ru

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very sad

Why not send me letters? I am very sad one in Russia, write to me necessarily, it is waiting for your Stella. My email tereza9ceanna@rambler.ru

09 October 2017

Good day

Can I ask you? "Was you ever have sex with a Russian girl? Would you like to try it?"
my email gaanjamr@rambler.ru

Good day

Can I ask you? "Was you ever have sex with a Russian girl? Would you like to try it?"
my email gaanjamr@rambler.ru

07 October 2017

hi there

Hi there,
Please don't jump into the conclusion that I am yet another spamster who wants to invite you to yet another dating agency or may be into some fraudulent activity.
But I rather want to invite you to this premium dating agency where I and hundreds and thousands of beautiful ladies from Russia and other neighboring countries have enlisted in search of their future love.
And when I say true love, I really mean it, because I am truly bored of all these playboys and gigolos who are in search of short term affairs and fun.

From my early teenage to the present day I always believed in true love and a partner for whole life. I am Alexandra or Sasha in short; a young, timid yet well accomplished, blue eyed girl from Russia.
I am from the city of Ivanovo, which is also known as the city of brides.

Want to tell you straightaway that I am not in search of sponsors and neither do I want to be one. I want to find someone matching my tastes and views, who can melt my heart on the first date itself with his character, looks and intelligence.

I want you to mail me amglcedith@rambler.ru and after you do so I sincerely hope that you will find my profile.

06 October 2017

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04 October 2017


Hi a nice young man!

My name is Larisa! I am living in Moscow at the moment!
After reading the information on your page, I was pleasantly surprised.
I would like to pal up with you, because you have all the qualities, which must have a real man!
Warm wishes! Yours Olga! my email laeprupintroj1982@rambler.ru


Hi a nice young man!

My name is Larisa! I am living in Moscow at the moment!
After reading the information on your page, I was pleasantly surprised.
I would like to pal up with you, because you have all the qualities, which must have a real man!
Warm wishes! Yours Olga! my email koppacovi1989@rambler.ru

03 October 2017

Hey, Sweety

Hey, Sweety, how is life going?

My name is Evelina and I'm looking forward to meet you! May I ask your name?
I know you love being on this website, just like me.
I'm sure it will be amazing for both of us to talk to each other later - you might want to write me tomorrow, right?

My email sucurtege1983@rambler.ru

Lots of love,

Hey, Sweety

Hey, Sweety, how is life going?

My name is Evelina and I'm looking forward to meet you! May I ask your name?
I know you love being on this website, just like me.
I'm sure it will be amazing for both of us to talk to each other later - you might want to write me tomorrow, right?

My email dailizracom1972@rambler.ru

Lots of love,

02 October 2017

What's up

What's up, Big Boy?
My name is Violette, what's yours? I can not wait to meet you in private.
I was going to have a nice talk with you in chat but you had gone offline. May I ask you to write me a few words some day?
Trust me, it's going to be lots of fun.
I�ll be waiting for your letter�
My email ininicac1970@rambler.ru

Love and kisses,

What's up

What's up, Big Boy?
My name is Violette, what's yours? I can not wait to meet you in private.
I was going to have a nice talk with you in chat but you had gone offline. May I ask you to write me a few words some day?
Trust me, it's going to be lots of fun.
I�ll be waiting for your letter�
My email tentkibbmuwon1978@rambler.ru

Love and kisses,


Hello, My Dear Friend!

How is your day going? I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat if you like.
What's your name by the way?
I know you�ve been visiting this website quite often.
And I was going to chat with you the other day but you suddenly went offline.
What do you think about us spending some time here talking to each other?
I would be glad to hear from you.

My email adcessiga1973@rambler.ru

Best wishes,

01 October 2017


Hi, Sweetheart!

How are you? I'm Julie, and what's your name?
I see you like visiting this website, so do I. Chatting to each other could be awesome.
What do you think about writing me � few lines some time? Don't hesitate to send me a letter � I would be happy to hear from you!
My email milphecenre1987@rambler.ru

I promise you�ll love it,