30 September 2022

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EMAIL ALERT : Your isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com mailbox password will expire within 12 hours!!!


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LAST WARNING: Your isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com password will expire 8 hours from 09/30/2022 !!!

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29 September 2022

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  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      29/09/2022
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E-mail Account Notification For isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com !!!


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isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Password Will Expire Within 12hrs!!!

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Re: Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC

Dear Sir/Madam,

As an Investment consultant with Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC, I have been mandated by the company to source for investment opportunities and companies seeking funding as business loans/debt finance, equity funding and JV's.

Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC is an Emirate based investment company with an interest in innovative new business opportunities. Our approach is long-term, strategic and creative, with an emphasis on sustainable returns and capital growth.

AZC invest in diverse sectors that complement their strategic objectives and create value for the stakeholders.AZC prides itself on identifying emerging sectors, reflecting changing needs locally, regionally and internationally  through Investments and Loans to project owners who can make returns of at least 4.5% interest as at when due while focusing on seed Capital, Early-stage, start-up ventures, existing LLC and total completion and expansion of Investment Projects.

In 2032, Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC plan on acquiring up to US$150 Billion in high-quality, low risk assets and investments to capitalize on the current market cycle.

Applications are required from business executives and companies with proven business records in search of fund for expansion or for capital investment.

Kindly get back to me on email (marcussteward12@outlook.com ) for more information and for introduction with the direct official email of the Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC  CEO/Managing director for direct communication and details.

Marcus Steward (Investment Consultant)

Abdulla Zayed Capitals LLC

Al Rigga, Deira Dubai,

P O Box: 60315, United Arab Emirates.

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Wednesday 28th, September 2022 !!

You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Wednesday 28th, September 2022 proceed message portal or open each subject to release message online. 

User ID: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

                            Subject                 Recipient               Date
  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      09/28/2022
  PendingFw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      09/28/2022
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    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      09/28/2022
  Pending: RE:  Statement     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      09/29/2022
  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      09/29/2022
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isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Your email password will expire 12 hours from 09/28/2022 !

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28 September 2022

WARNING: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Cancel Request!!!

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isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Administrative Pending Mails (28-09-2022)!!!

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User ID: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

                            Subject                 Recipient               Date
  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/09/2022
  PendingFw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/09/2022
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    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/09/2022
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  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/09/2022
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E-mail Account Notification For isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com !!!


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