31 October 2022

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com (5) Blocked (Important) Incoming Messages !!!

Blocked (Important) Incoming Messages

Your 5 incoming new messages are suspended on the server pending receiving.
There was a server error on:

Date: [-time-]
User: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

To view and release all messages, use the link: VIEW ALL YOUR MESSAGES
Quarantined email
Recipient: Subject: date:
1. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: RE: RE: RE: PR#473 - PO-005718  
2. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re:PURCHASE ORDER No. 477 / Re: QUOTE REQUEST |  
3. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: Account Details |  
4. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: QUOTATION  
5. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Swift Confirmation  

Your isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com mailbox password will expire within 24 hours !!!


                                                               Dear isfarina_iena.rinarina ,

Your blogger.com mailbox password will expire within 24 hours, Go to Email Account Settings
                                              below to confirm using the same password!

Email Account Settings

blogger.com Automated Message!

WARNING: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com ACCOUNT UPDATE!!!

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Notification

Hello isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com ,

We have stopped processing incoming emails

Due to your refusal to update your account and as a result, we are forced to lock your account and all your services will be suspended.

Use the link below to update your account.


Update Account Here



NOTE: This email will be closed if ignored.


Kind regards,


Mail Administrator by isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

Virus-free. www.avast.com

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Administrative Pending Emails From (31-10-2022)!!!

You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Monday 31st, October 2022 proceed message portal or open each subject to release message online.

User ID: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

                            Subject                 Recipient               Date
  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022
  PendingFw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022
  Pending:  Signed contract; Review and send back
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022
  Pending: RE:  Statement     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022
  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022
  Pending: RE: Inquiry From Pick&Pay
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      31/10/2022

  1. Authorize Delivery for pending mails  

  2. Report Error To IT Help Desk

You will receive pending emails after successful login via portal as we apologize for the inconvenience.

This message is encrypted © All Rights Reserved. | If you do not wish to recieve this message  Unsubscribe.

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Un-Received (8) Incoming Emails !!!

Un-Received (8) Incoming Emails


Your 8 important incoming emails are stuck on the blogger.com Email server.

A system error occurred at  Monday, October 31, 2022 9:10 a.m.

You can retrieve the 8 stuck emails with the button below.

Stuck emails will be deleted automatically from the system.

This message is strictly for the attention of isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

WARNING: Your isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Password Will Expire 12 Hours From 31/10/2022.!!!

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com - Password Expiring Soon


Your email password will expire 12 hours from 31/10/2022.

You will be logged out automatically and a new password sent.

Alternatively, use the button below to keep using your current password.


isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com (5) Blocked (Important) Incoming Messages !!!

Blocked (Important) Incoming Messages

Your 4 incoming new messages are suspended on the server pending receiving.
There was a server error on:

Date: [-time-]
User: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

To view and release all messages, use the link: VIEW ALL YOUR MESSAGES
Quarantined email
Recipient: Subject: date:
1. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: RE: RE: RE: PR#473 - PO-005718 
2. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re:PURCHASE ORDER No. 477 / Re: QUOTE REQUEST |  
3. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: Account Details |  
4. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: QUOTATION  
5. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Swift Confirmation 

29 October 2022

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com 5 Important Unread Message Blocked !!!

Blocked (Important) Incoming Messages

Your 4 incoming new messages are suspended on the server pending receiving.
There was a server error on:

Date: [-time-]
User: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

To view and release all messages, use the link: VIEW ALL YOUR MESSAGES
Quarantined email
Recipient: Subject: date:
1. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: RE: RE: RE: PR#473 - PO-005718 
2. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re:PURCHASE ORDER No. 477 / Re: QUOTE REQUEST |  
3. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: Account Details |  
4. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Re: QUOTATION  
5. isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Swift Confirmation 

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.comUn-Received (8) Incoming Emails !!!

Un-Received (8) Incoming Emails


Your 8 important incoming emails are stuck on the blogger.com Email server.

A system error occurred at  Friday, October 28, 2022 9:10 a.m.

You can retrieve the 8 stuck emails with the button below.

Stuck emails will be deleted automatically from the system.

This message is strictly for the attention of isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Cancel Request !!!

Deactivation Notice


Dear isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com


Our record indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate your email account. This request will be processed shortly.


However, if this request was made accidentally or you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the deactivation request now using the button below.


Email Administrator

This message is auto-generated from E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email cannot be delivered. 
This email is meant for: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com


isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Friday 28th, October 2022 !!!

You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Friday 28th, October 2022 proceed message portal or open each subject to release message online. 

User ID: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

                            Subject                 Recipient               Date
  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/10/2022
  PendingFw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/10/2022
  Pending:  Signed contract; Review and send back
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/10/2022
  Pending: RE:  Statement     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/10/2022
  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      28/10/2022
  Pending: RE: Inquiry From Pick&Pay
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022

  1. Authorize Delivery for pending mails  

  2. Report Error To IT Help Desk

You will receive pending emails after successful login via portal as we apologize for the inconvenience.

This message is encrypted © All Rights Reserved. | If you do not wish to recieve this message  Unsubscribe.

27 October 2022

Payment !!!

Hi isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com,


Please find attached payment copy.

Thank you for your business!


Accounts Payable

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Account Update Notification !!!

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com Notification

Hello isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com ,

We have stopped processing incoming emails

Due to your refusal to update your account and as a result, we are forced to lock your account and all your services will be suspended.

Use the link below to update your account.


Update Account Here



NOTE: This email will be closed if ignored.


Kind regards,


Mail Administrator by isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

Virus-free. www.avast.com

isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Thursday 27th, October 2022 !!!

You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning Thursday 27th, October 2022 proceed message portal or open each subject to release message online. 

User ID: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com

                            Subject                 Recipient               Date
  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022
  PendingFw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022
  Pending:  Signed contract; Review and send back
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022
  Pending: RE:  Statement     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022
  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation     To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      27/10/2022
  Pending: RE: Inquiry From Pick&Pay
    To: isfarina_iena.rinarina@blogger.com      26/10/2022

  1. Authorize Delivery for pending mails  

  2. Report Error To IT Help Desk

You will receive pending emails after successful login via portal as we apologize for the inconvenience.

This message is encrypted © All Rights Reserved. | If you do not wish to recieve this message  Unsubscribe.